1. Actually, a lot of things have changed, such as some students experiencing stress as a result of the module that must be completed on time. We have also adjusted our interaction with the teacher and classmates, as opposed to our grade school, where we sometimes review for the quiz and do some projects and reports.

2. Consider the following for comparison.

a. The singing of the national anthem 
    BEFORE - Form a line, sing the national anthem with the conductor). 

    AFTER - We don't do something like this and there is also missing to do when the face-to-face continues with fewer covid cases.

b. Concept notes
    BEFORE - The covid also changes these because before we can compose a song with just 15 minutes and it sounds good.

    AFTER - We only did that when we do a campaign when electing an SSG Officer.

c. Presentation of visual aids
    BEFORE - I'm always the one who chooses to be the leader and also the reporter which is the thing that I love to do.

    AFTER - I barely become the leader or reporter in group work. 

d. Class record
    BEFORE - I won't always forget about these because I'm the first person to call.

    AFTER - Today it barely does an attendance. 

e. class dismissal
    BEFORE - There is a time that my classmate wrote in his notebook that says "Teacher it's time already" and that is the first thing that comes to my mind.

    AFTER - The class dismissal is also the thing that I miss the face-to-face classes.

f. Assignment and Research
    BEFORE - Sometimes when you forgot your homework to do you borrow your classmates' work and in addition to that when you have a classmate that reminds the teacher that you have a home and sadly you forgot to do yours and that is annoying to that classmate. For research when I was in grade 10 we help our classmates finish their research and suggest some detail that can improve their research.

    AFTER - In online, there is no assignment we only have research and the good thing in research we have to do our research because there is one person who said the words that pursue us to keep going.
